Hurricane Harvey Day 4

Day four was blogged by Elder Johan and Ashley Song. To God be the glory. Our time here in Houston, was made possible because of Christ. While in Houston for only two days, we met ordinary Christians doing extraordinary things for the sake of the gospel. These...

Hurricane Harvey Day 3

Day three was provided by, Deacon Aaron and Christine Tizon. We made it ya’ll. Hello New Life. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for our Harvey Relief Team! We are experiencing God’s great blessings and miracles already after just our first day...

Hurricane Harvey Day 2

Day two was written by, Deacon Jason and Jihyun Moon. Jihyun has provided a Korean and English translation! Today I was expecting to be in Houston working on some houses. But today became a free day to hang out with the kids. As I was sharing with my daughter that I...

Hurricane Harvey Day 1

Good Morning, We are sorry for the late posts, but please enjoy our blogs! Day one was written by, Deacon Jimmy and Grace Lee. Started off the day at 3:30am because I was too lazy to pack the night before. I remember thinking we have to be at the airport by 7am so...