Jeremiah 51:20-32

Hey New Life,

We sang "Blessed Assurance" this past Sunday, and my CG talked about this topic during our meeting. We see passages like Matthew 7 where people were prophesying in Jesus' name, casting out demons, and doing mighty works for Jesus without ever knowing Him, and on the day of judgment, Jesus will say to them, "I never knew you."

Our Daily Bible passage (Jeremiah 51:20-32) reminds me of this topic of assurance as we are near the end of the book. We see judgment for Babylon after God used her to judge the nations, including Judah. 

This reminds me that we don't need to know and believe in God to be used by God. We can do many works for Jesus without ever walking with Him. Babylon did. 

Do you believe in Christ? Do you rest upon Him alone for your salvation? Are you walking with Him? Let us not trust our works for God, but let us trust in His finished work for us. Jesus is the One who took on the ultimate judgment, so we would be His forever.

And after the faith, let us strive to be faithful. God will use us. If God can use a wicked nation like Babylon for His purposes, God can use weak saints like us. We just need to surrender and be faithful.

As we finish the book of Jeremiah, consider the themes of this book: judgment for sin and God's faithfulness to His promises for His people. Both of these are fulfilled in Christ for us. Let us cling to Him this week.

In Christ,
Pastor Tim

Daily Bible Reference Here


Psalm 105:12-23


Jeremiah 49:23-39