Psalm 105:12-23

Hey New Life,

Happy Tuesday! Our Daily Bible devo comes from Psalm 105:12-23. This is the chapter we have been looking at through our calls to worship on Sunday. In this section of the psalm, we see both humiliation and exaltation for Israel and Joseph.

Israel was small in stature with no land. And yet God saw them and protected them in His sovereignty. And He established them safely in Egypt from the famine. In the same way, there is nothing special about us, but God, in His grace, becomes our refuge in Christ.

God preserved Israel in our passage by sending Joseph ahead to Egypt. However, we know that this was not a straight and easy road for him. It came with many trials that resulted in Joseph's maturation, resulting in his lordship and rule. 

In the same way, the road to glory for us is not a straight and easy path. It's full of twists and turns, hills and valleys. But if we are in Christ, we know that God works all things out for the good of those who love Him (Rom 8:28). We know that the trials are not for our shame but for our ultimate glory. Our cross now is only preparing us for our crown later in eternity.

We can be sure of this because of the One who took on the ultimate cross of shame for us. He is the greater Joseph, who took on the prison of our sin and death, in order to save us from the famine of judgment. We can be seen by God, because Christ was unseen by Him on the cross. We can be protected in eternity, because Jesus was broken on our behalf. We can be sure our trials are for our good, because the debt has been fully paid .

May we be encouraged by the truth that God sees us and considers us. He will use every trial for our good and bring us to completion on the Last Day because of Jesus' death and resurrection. 

The end of the story is this: Jesus wins. And we win in Him.

In Christ,

Pastor Tim

PS- in case you want to access the Daily Bible website, go here


2 Kings 2:1-14


Jeremiah 51:20-32