Jeremiah 49:23-39

Hey New Life,

How are you doing? Our Daily Bible passage for today comes from Jeremiah 49:23-39. We are in the section of Jeremiah where we see God's judgment on Israel's enemies. 

Who are our enemies? Our enemies are not flesh and blood but sin, Satan, and death. Jesus has broken their power over us. He paid the price for our sins. He defeated Satan by His sacrifice. He put a death to death through His resurrection. And one day, He will come back to judge the living and the dead. Satan will be cast into the eternal fire, and death and sin will be no more.

This frees us from our condemnation. This gives us a new identity and power for today. And this gives us strength to persevere in hope in light of our future.

May you live with such freedom, identity, power, strength, and hope!

In Christ,
Pastor Tim


Jeremiah 51:20-32


Jeremiah 46:13-28