Jeremiah 46:13-28

Dear beloved New Life,

I hope your week is off to a great start! Our Daily Bible passage for today comes from Jeremiah 46:13-28. We see God's declaration of judgment on Egypt and God's promise of restoration for Israel. 

This judgment is physical (v. 14), economical (v. 13), relational (v. 17), emotional (v. 24), and spiritual (v. 25). Do we understand the gravity of sin and the judgment that sin deserves?

We also see that this judgment is for the sin of idolatry. We may not worship the specific idols of Egypt, but John Calvin calls our hearts idol factories. Where are the places of hope, faith, and joy in our lives outside of God? How do we complete this sentence? "If I have ___________, I will have ultimate happiness, worth, security, and purpose." Those are the places of idolatry in our lives. Let us go deep and strive to repent of those idols.

Lastly, we see the promise of salvation for Israel who is in exile. We see the opposite of judgment. We see renewal and restoration in every aspect. But most of all, we see the presence of God in v. 28. Do we trust in the promise of salvation in Christ? Have we experienced renewal and restoration in Him? Are we enjoying His presence?

We are able to receive God's salvation instead of condemnation, restoration instead of shame, and love instead of wrath because of the cross. Jesus received all wrath and rejection for our sin and idolatry, so we can receive all love, grace, and mercy in our salvation. May we cling to this gospel truth this week!

In Christ,

Pastor Tim


Jeremiah 49:23-39


Jeremiah 41