How are you doing this week? Are you sorrowful?
“You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.” -John 16:20b
Jesus is speaking to the disciples, but this also applies to us. The hard truth is we WILL be sorrowful. 
We have experienced much sorrow individually and as a ministry in this year alone. But Jesus says that our sorrow will turn into joy; that which brings much sorrow will bring about much joy.
We have this promise through Christ’s resurrection which guarantees our resurrection. And in the resurrection, loss turns into gain, death into life, wounds inflicted into wounds healed, rejection into reception, rebellion into redemption, sorrow into joy. This is all because Christ became the man of sorrows on the cross for us.
Bring your sorrows unto the Lord this week. He hears you. He sees you. Ask for His grace to believe His promise through the resurrection that sorrow will turn into joy.
In Christ,
Pastor Tim
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