How are you? How is your week going? Are you persevering in the grace of Christ?
This life is hard. This world is broken. It doesn’t take much to see and experience those truths.
That’s why Paul calls us to persevere as he relates our life to a race. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. We forget what lies behind. We strain forward to what lies ahead. We press on with everything we have, no matter how we are feeling.
We run this race with endurance with the goal of the resurrection of the dead. And we hunger after the prize of being in communion with God.
We are able to press on to make our salvation our own, because Christ Jesus pressed on to make us His own. Jesus endured the cross, despising the shame, for the joy that was set before Him. That joy was in the reception of sinners, like you and me, into His family.
We can persevere, because Christ persevered through the cross and finished the race for us first. That’s why we look to Him, the founder and finisher of our faith.
I hope that blesses and encourages you in your perseverance. Take a moment and pray for God to remind you of that truth and to strengthen you to persevere in His grace.
If you are interested to worship in-person, please pre-register If any plans change, please notify the Elders.
P. Dan will be giving the Word this Sunday! You are in for a treat! Please clothe him and our worship with your prayers!
In Christ,
Pastor Tim
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