How are you? How is your week going?
Check this statement out from Paul Tripp’s Wednesday’s Word today:
As I’ve been composing my three tweets each morning and looking at our family Christmas tree, I can’t help but remember that this is not the tree that Christmas is about. Christmas is about the tree of Calvary.

On that tree, the glorious plan of God–offering forgiveness, salvation, and transformation–collided with unspeakable tragedy. The only perfect human being who ever lived would suffer an unjust and violent death.

Christmas is not about the pretty lights, the delicious food, the scrumptious candy, the cute decorations, and the wrapped presents. It’s not even about the family gatherings.
Christmas is about CHRIST. God the Word became flesh. He became man to redeem man. Ultimately, Jesus came to live the perfect life we were unable to live and to die the death that was for us. That is the point of Christmas.
This past Sunday we talked about the darkness that we can go through. It can be a darkness with no silver lining. It can be a darkness where there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
However, we can have hope, because Christmas happened. The Light of the World entered into the darkness of humanity in order that He may bring His people into His marvelous light.
He took the darkness of the cross so that we don’t have to go through that ultimate darkness. As Tim Keller stated, “Jesus Christ experienced darkness as His only friend, so that in your darkness, you can know that Jesus is still your friend.”
This week, remember the ultimate tree of Christmas, which was the tree of Calvary. Remember the Light of the World who has delivered you from darkness. And through that gospel truth, may it give you hope and peace this Christmas week.
Hope to see you at Christmas Presentation this Friday @7:45pm! If not, see you at Christmas Lord’s Day Worship at our normal time, and see you on Tuesday for Christmas Day Worship @10:00am. Pray for one another!
In Christ,
Pastor Tim
PS- It’s ok to have a Christmas tree, to put up decorations, to give presents, and to eat delicious Christmas food. Just remember the CHRIST of CHRISTMAS and worship Him.
Photo Credit: Here