How are you? How’s your week going? Happy August!
Can you believe it’s August already? In just a few weeks, school is going to start, and we will be flooded with the rhythm of the Fall season. Before we know it, we’ll be eating our Thanksgiving meals, opening up Christmas presents, and celebrating 2019.
But before we get into the swing of things, what is your center? What is rooting you and grounding you in all of the busyness? Is it a need for productivity? Is it a need to be needed or appreciated? Is it success? Is it family? Is it friends? Is it fun?
This past Sunday, we looked at 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. This passage can be boiled down to one simple truth: “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” (v. 2)
Can you say that with your life? Can you say that in your moments of rest? Can you say that in your moments of busyness? Can you say that in the good times and the bad? Can you say that when you’re at church or at home? Can you say that in every moment of your life?
It’s so simple in truth, and yet, it is so difficult to do. That’s why Paul needs to address it. It’s in our sinful nature to be centered on this world and its ways. It’s in our nature to be centered on ourselves, our agenda, and our glory.
But Paul calls us to die to that and instead be centered on the truth of Christ and Him crucified.
And the only way we can do that is to know and trust in the truth that Christ was first centered on us. His first priority was to glorify and obey the Father, but in that calling, He was centered on us. He lived the perfect life for us. He died for us. He was raised for us. He loves us.
You may be laughing as you’re reading this, because Autumn is not a busy season. It’s just one season of a busy life that you’re living.
Either way, in whatever season you’re in, take some time to breathe and to enjoy the love that Christ has for you. Take some to meditate on and soak in the fact that Christ laid down His life for you. And be rooted in and centered on the truth of Christ and Him crucified.
When our hearts are centered on this truth of Christ and Him crucified, then our ministry will be centered on it as well. “Lord, make us centered on this truth!”
See you on Sunday for Lord’s Day Worship. We will be partaking of the Lord’s Supper. Be sure to prepare your hearts for it.
Pray for our worship, our ministry, and for one another.
In Christ,
Pastor Tim
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