How are you? How is your week going?

This past Sunday, we talked some more about our Journey of Faith. Just like Abram, we are far from being perfect, but God still calls us to faithfulness. And we can be faithful, because He was first faithful to us in Christ Jesus.

This is the theme of our series, and it is no different from Sunday’s passage in Genesis 14:17-24.

We see that Abram is faithful by knowing his place. He knows that everything he has is from God. His victories are from God. His blessings are from God. He has nothing and is nothing apart from Him.

Do we know our place? Do we know that we are sinners in the sight of a holy, awesome God? Do we know that our time, our health, our wealth, our success, our wisdom, and our everything is from the Lord? Do we know that we are nothing and we have nothing apart from Him?

Second, we see that Abram is faithful by not trusting in this world but trusting in the Lord alone. He gives the victory to the Lord. And he makes a declaration, saying that the Lord is all He needs.

Do we give the victory to the Lord? Do we trust in Him alone? Do we turn from trusting in earthly pleasures and securities, because we have Him as our ultimate pleasure, treasure, and security?

We are able to know our place and trust in the Lord alone, because we trust in the Ultimate Righteous Priest-King (the fulfillment of Melchizedek) who gave His life up for us. He offered Himself on the cross as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He intercedes for us today.

He is the perfectly righteous king who saved His people by laying down His life. He saved His people by giving them His righteousness and taking on our unrighteousness on the cross. He is the One who gives us His peace, because He lost all peace on the cross.

This gospel truth humbles us and breaks us. And at the same time, this gospel truth motivates us and empowers us. It gives us hope.

May we be a people who trust in this truth alone, and may we be empowered to be faithful to the Lord, now and forevermore.

Hope to see you at the Sheds of Hope presentation this Friday @7:45pm. If you can’t make it, see you on Sunday for our Lord’s Day worship.

I love you. I thank God for you. Pray for one another and for our ministry!

In Christ,
Pastor Tim

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