How are you? How is your week going? Have you been faithful?

This past Sunday, we looked at how Joshua calls Israel to be faithful to the Lord in Joshua 24. They are called to be faithful to the Lord, which means that they have to choose whom they will serve. Either they will serve God or serve themselves by serving their idols.

These words are the same words that are for us today. We are called to be faithful to the Lord. We have the same choice before us. We will choose either to serve the Lord or serve ourselves by serving our idols.

Not only are we called to be faithful to the Lord, but we are called to be faithful to others. This means that we pursue deep, committed relationships. We love as Christ loved us. We are called to bear all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.

After seeing the high calling for us to be faithful, it is apparent that we fail in so many ways. We try to be faithful, but we end up being faithless. We forget about choosing to serve the Lord so we end up serving our idols. We aren’t faithful to others.

So, what is our hope? How can we be faithful?

Our hope is not in ourselves. It’s in Christ. We can be faithful, because God was first faithful to us in Christ Jesus.

If we are faithless, he remains faithful- for he cannot deny himself. -2 Timothy 2:13

We know that He will be faithful to us, because Christ took on our faithlessness on the cross. We know that we will never be separated from the love of God, because Christ was separated from God on the cross for our sins. We can choose to serve the Lord, because God chose us first. And He chose to serve us first by becoming the Suffering Servant, dying on the cross, for us.

We can be faithful, because God was first faithful to us in Christ Jesus. May we be a church that is faithful… faithful to God and faithful to others in the power of Christ.

Come out to Topical Study @7:30pm this Friday! We will be looking at Mary and Martha from the Gospels. If you can’t make it, see you for Lord’s Day Worship on Sunday!

In Christ,
Pastor Tim

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