Hey church,

How has your new year been so far? It’s been pretty crazy for us as a family. Thank you again for all the love and the prayers. We missed all of you for worship this past Sunday.

Although we missed you guys, I’m thankful that you had the blessing of hearing God’s Word spoken through His servant, Pastor Dan.

With the new year, it’s so easy for us to make resolutions to work harder. That is absolutely biblical. Pastor Dan exhorted us from Proverbs to be like the ant rather than the sluggard. We are called to be like the ant by being diligent and faithful in every sphere of life, including our relationships.

Will we be faithful in our workplaces, since we work for the Lord and not for man? Will we be faithful in extending ourselves to those whom we don’t know? Will we be faithful in working on the broken relationships within our own families?

Although it may be daunting to think about all the areas we are called to be faithful in and improve upon, the good news is that it’s not really work. We don’t have to work to gain the approval of God or to earn our salvation.

Christ has done all the work for us so that we are fully approved in Him. He lived the obedient life we failed to live, and He died the death that was for us.

Pastor Dan beautifully reminded us of this gospel truth. Although Scripture calls us to work and be faithful, it’s not really burdensome “work” for us. The gospel transforms our hearts to view work as worship. It becomes our joyful worship unto the Lord.

In 2017, our hope is that we may be a church full of ants… ants who are faithful in all things, because we are empowered by the faithful, accomplished work of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

See you all on Sunday for the Lord’s Day worship. Pray for yourselves. Pray for one another. Seek the Lord.

In Christ,
Pastor Tim

Image source: www.hercampus.com