Acts 19:8-20

Hey New Life,

Happy Tuesday! In our passage for today (Acts 19:8-20), we see adversity and victory in the ministry of the gospel. For adversity, Paul had opponents who spoke evil of Jesus (v. 9), and an evil spirit leapt on Jewish exorcists who used Jesus' name and overpowered them. 

At times like these, it's tempting to doubt God's sovereignty and faithfulness. If we are conducting faithful ministry, why would God allow opposition? If we are using Jesus' name, why do we encounter seeming defeat?

In Paul's case, we see that he just withdrew and went to another place for ministry. He didn't labor very much to argue with the blasphemers. It's comforting to know that we don't have to win every argument. It's ok to walk away and instead move onto another place for ministry.

For the Jewish exorcists, we see that they didn't really have faith in Jesus, but they were just using Jesus for their own success and glory. Do we ever use God for our own gain? Do we try to "perform" in Jesus' name without trusting in and walking with Him?

But in both cases, we see that the word of the Lord spread. In times of difficulty, God displayed His glory, shared His gospel, and saved His people. We can rest assured that God uses all things for HIs purposes for His glory and kingdom.

The greatest case of opposition, adversity, and seeming defeat is the cross of Jesus Christ, and yet that was used for the salvation of the world. Because of that cross, we are able to walk in the Lord faithfully and proclaim Him boldly, no matter the adversity they may bring.

Go in His grace! Have a blessed week.

In Christ,

Pastor Tim


Jeremiah 41


Acts 15:36-16:15