Acts 15:36-16:15

Hey New Life,

As we enter into a new chapter of ministry in the history of our church, I am reminded by today's passage (Acts 15:36-16:15) that our mission and message remain the same. It's the gospel of Jesus Christ that holds us fast to Him. I want to just look at the beginning and end of our passage.

In vv. 36-41, we see the split between Paul and Barnabas over Mark, who abandoned them in Pamphylia. This shows us that churches are not immune to disagreements and separations. But like these men, we need to faithfully minister in Jesus' name. Barnabas restored and discipled Mark, like he did with Paul previously. We know that Paul came around to Mark at the end of his life in 2 Timothy, and Mark went on to write the Gospel in the Bible today.

How are we restoring and discipling others? How quick are we to repent and confess where we were wrong? Are we able to see broken sinners with the eyes of Jesus?

In vv. 13-15, we see the conversion of Lydia. She was a wealthy and successful businesswoman. She had all the wealth that she ever needed, and yet, it wasn't enough. She was looking for something more, and that drew her to the words of Paul. Are we in search of something more, like Lydia? Her story calls us to look to Christ.

Not only that, we see that the Lord opened her heart. It is by grace we have been saved through faith. And it is God who will give the growth. As we look at our story and ministry, we must trust in the God who saves. We praise Him for the work He has done, and we pray for the work that He will do.

We praise God for Jesus who did not abandon us even though we abandoned Him in our sin. He is the One who walks with us and disciples us. He is the One who opened our hearts through His death and resurrection, and in love, He opened His heart toward us first.

The kingdom of Christ is our mission, and the person and work of Christ is our message. He who saved us will bring us to completion. May that be our hope and heart as we enter into this new chapter.

In Christ,
Pastor Tim


Acts 19:8-20