How are you? How is your week? Have you had joy with others this past week?

I had joy this past weekend. The Eagles won the NFC championship game, and they are going on to the Super Bowl! That’s joy. But better than that, I was able to meet, eat, and have fellowship with the church through fellowships and Lord’s Day worship. Sharing Christ together is more joy than anything else.

In this individualized culture, we don’t leave much room for other people. We have our own agendas, dreams, and plans. It costs too much to invest in other people: too much time, energy, effort, money, etc. It’s just easier and more convenient to do things alone.

However, this individualized culture is having its effect on our society. There are so many people who struggle with loneliness and depression. The numbers are so much higher than the numbers 50 or 75 years ago. It’s so high that the United Kingdom last week appointed a Minister of Loneliness!

Why is this happening? Why are people feeling so lonely and depressed?

It’s because we were not created to be alone. We were created in the image of God. And just as God is community (as the Triune God), it’s in our nature to be in community.

Not only that, we are created to have joy together. Joy is meant to be shared. Joy is not complete until it is shared. That’s why we talk about our favorite foods or hobbies. That’s why we want others to enjoy what we enjoy.

In Psalm 100, we are called to have joy together. Why? It’s because we can share the greatest joy and treasure: God Himself. He has created us, and He has called His own, the sheep of His pasture. He is good, and His steadfast love endures forever.

How can God become the treasure and joy we share? It’s to know that He treasured and enjoyed us first. This is displayed through Jesus Christ. We can be the sheep of His pasture, because the Shepherd laid down His life for us on the cross. We know God’s steadfast love for us endures forever, because Christ received God’s final, ultimate wrath on the cross for us. We can have joy together, because He became the Man of Sorrows for us together.

When we believe in this truth, we can share joy with one another. We can share joy with one another, because we share Christ with one another. We share Him as our greatest treasure and love.

Brothers and sisters, let us share joy with one another.

See you on Sunday for Lord’s Day Worship. May you go in His peace, grace, and joy.

In Christ,
Pastor Tim

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